Talk “Customs of Vietnamese Peasants in the 19th-20th Centuries”

The talk “Customs of Vietnamese peasants in the 19th – 20th centuries” on the occasion of the book launch for “Tap tuc doi nguoi” (Customs of a human life) by Pham Cam Thuong, will be held at L’Espace on January 6, 2018 with the participation of:
– Author Phan Cẩm Thượng
– Researcher Trần Quang Đức
– Critic Mai Anh Tuấn
“Customs of a human life” (Customs of Vietnamese peasants in the 19th – 20th centuries) is the second book in a quadrilogy written by researcher Phan Cam Thuong on the history of customs in the everyday life of Vietnamese people.
A book about Vietnamese history, but the author does not mention the dynasties’ vicissitudes, nor the cruel wars, nor the major political changes… but another topic, more ordinary and closer (but lesser known) to us: the people. The people of Vietnam.
Language: Vietnamese
Free entry.
For more details, please visit here