The Vietnam Integrity School’s Grant calls for proposals

The Vietnam Integrity School’s (VIS) Grant supports creative ideas initiated and led by VIS graduates to promote integrity and anti-corruption in society. The grant is one part of the project “Empowering Youth in Promoting Integrity in Vietnam” implemented by Toward Transparency and funded by The Embassy of Ireland in Vietnam.
- Eligible participants: Individuals or teams (no limit for the number of team members), including at least 01 VIS alumni (of any year). VISers could recruit team members who have never joined VIS. There is no age limit for participants.
- Project theme: To promote integrity culture to society in Vietnam.
- Project Location: National wide though preferred to focus on one or several cities/provinces.
- Project timeline: Projects must complete prior to 15/12/2020. Projects could be extended thereafter, depending on the discussion between implementing teams and Toward Transparency (TT)
- Project budget: Maximum 25,000,000 VND/project. There is no minimum budget.
- Fill information in this form.
- Deadline: 23:00 of 08/01/2020
Ms. Tong Dieu Quynh, Youth Integrity Officer of Towards Transparency
Tel: 024 37153532
Toward Transparency