Civil society / NGOs

Data literacy training

IntroductionData literacy is the ability to read, understand, work with, analyze, and argue with data. It is also the ability to derive meaningful information from data. Data literacy is not simply the ability to read the text since it requires quantitative and analytical skills (for ...

Open Development Vietnam

State of Knowledge: Women and Rivers in the Mekong Region

The State of Knowledge: Women and Rivers in the Mekong Region highlights women’s contributions—both actual and potential—to better governance, social, and environmental outcomes for rivers in the Mekong region. The report spotlights women’s achievements in water decision-making and river governance, but also the major barriers ...


CFI: launch of the Mekong Media Initiative

CFI launches a scheme to support online newsrooms in the Mekong region to publish content on environment, health and sustainable development.With the support of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and as part of its Mekong: Sustainable News project, CFI will help local newsrooms to ...

CFI Media Development

Reporters break forests news that stop illegal logging

Media coverage on forest governance has inspired Vietnamese authorities to take action to stop illegal logging and deforestation.In Viet Nam, PanNature is building the capacity of journalists to investigate the health of forests and assess weaknesses in forestry policies and enforcement to inform the public ...

Voices for Mekong Forests

CSIP announced survey report “Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on social impact-generating enterprises”

The survey report “Impacts of the Covid-19 epidemic on social enterprises and support needs assessment” synthesized by CSIP after surveying 78 social impact-generating enterprises and online interviews with some social enterprises on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.The report provides:– Key findings of the survey: ...


Viet Nam: Secondary Education Sector Assessment, Strategy and Road Map

The report reviews sector achievements and challenges as well as the Government of Viet Nam’s strategy and policies. It also outlines how the Asian Development Bank and other development partners have contributed to the sector. The report provides recommendations on measures to boost access to ...

Asian Development Bank

Narrow The Gap 2020 – Round 1 – Calls for proposals

LIN Center for Community Development would like to inform all our NPOs that currently run projects in Ho Chi Minh City and other Southern Region (From Binh Thuan to Ca Mau) about the Round 1 of Narrow The Gap Community Program 2020:Grant Budget: Maximum of 75 ...

CIRUM: documentary films explore religion and customary practices of ethnic minorities

 Ethnic customs and traditions are unique to people and entrenched in their belief systems that are connected to the land and nature. This series of documentary films, developed by Culture Identity and Resources Use Management (CIRUM), explore religion and customary practices through storytelling engage indigenous ...

New Strategy to Help Vietnam Scale Up and Better Utilize Solar Power

The report comes as Vietnam is considering moving from a feed-in-tariff (FIT) policy to a competitive bidding scheme for solar projects to reduce the cost of solar generation.The FIT has been successful in recent years, spurring the fast deployment of projects at a time when ...

The World Bank

The 2020 Fall YSEALI Professional Fellows Program

The YSEALI Professional Fellows Program provides emerging leaders ages 25-35 the opportunity to spend five weeks in the United States, including four weeks working directly with American counterparts in individually tailored work placements with relevant private and/or public sector organizations.  During these placements, Fellows build their ...

U.S. Mission to ASEAN

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