Asia Open Data Partnership Summit 2021

This is the first time the Asia Open Data Partnership Summit is hosted in Vietnam. With the theme of “Data Exchange & Industrial Collaboration” AODP Summit 2021 aims to promote public-private and business-business partnerships in open data reusability and commercialization, advocate for open data with ...


CIRUM: documentary films explore religion and customary practices of ethnic minorities

 Ethnic customs and traditions are unique to people and entrenched in their belief systems that are connected to the land and nature. This series of documentary films, developed by Culture Identity and Resources Use Management (CIRUM), explore religion and customary practices through storytelling engage indigenous ...

How can Indigenous Data Sovereignty (IDS) be promoted and mainstreamed within open data movements?

Culture Identity and Resources Use Management (CIRUM), one of OD Mekong’s partners in Vietnam has published a paper titled “How can Indigenous Data Sovereignty (IDS) be promoted and mainstreamed within open data movements?”Considering Indigenous rights in the open data and technology space is a relatively ...


Policy recommendations to advocate for gender equality in ethnic minority groups in Viet Nam

“Policy recommendations to advocate for gender equality in ethnic minority groups in Viet Nam” is a policy brief developed by the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs and UN Women, with financial support from Irish Aid. It promotes effective implementation of policies to support development and ...

Irish Embassy in Vietnam

2020-2021 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program Call for Applications

The U.S. Mission in Vietnam is pleased to announce the 2020-2021 competition for the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program. The Humphrey Fellowship is a one-year, non-degree, full scholarship program offered to promising mid-career professionals who have a proven track record of leadership, and a strong commitment to public service. ...

US Embassy in Vietnam

2019 UNESCO Prize for Girls' and Women's Education

The 2019 UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education are open for nominations. The prize is open for all individuals, institutions and organizations making a strong impact on girls’ and women’s education. Prize amount: US$50,000Deadline: 28/5/2019More details ...


How do Women engage in open data movements cross the Mekong countries?

Open Development Vietnam (ODV) wants to understand how women are engaging in open data movements across the Mekong countries. ODV is particularly interested in understanding why and how women participate and what some of the barriers to their participation are. Most importantly ODV wants to ...


Full scholarship from Asian Women's University (AUW) for Vietnam, deadline for application 28/2/2019

Scholarships are open to pursue undergraduate degrees. Scholarships are awarded to study any subject offered by AUW. AUW trained 5 majors:  Economics;  Politics, Philosophy & Economics (PPE); Public Health; Environmental Science; Bioinformatics. Scholarship value is $ 60 000 for 4 years of college, which will ...

Survey on Vietnamese youth's awareness of LGBT

UNESCO supports six youth-led research groups in collecting data on youth-related matters. This aims to influence the direction of the new Youth Law. One of these groups takes interest in the topic: LGBT and is calling for supports by sharing and responding to the survey regardless ...

UNESCO Office in Hanoi

Public Good or Private Wealth? - Oxfam Briefing Paper

Billionaire fortunes increased by 12 percent last year – or $2.5 billion a day – while the 3.8 billion people who make up the poorest half of humanity saw their wealth decline by 11 percent.‘Public Good or Private Wealth’ shows the growing gap between rich ...


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