MONRE issues press release on hydropower dam breakdown in Laos and impact on Mekong Delta

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) has issued a press release on the collapsion of the hydroelectric XePan XeNamnoy hydroelectric dam in Laos and its impact on the Mekong Delta.
According to the press release, in the coming days, water level in Cửu Long (Vietnamese name of the Mekong) river will go up from 2.6 to 3.2m . However, the level is still lower than level 1 flood alarm. Therefore, the incident will not have a significant impact on the Mekong Delta of Vietnam.
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment will continue to update and monitor the situation in order to inform the press agencies about the situation of overcoming Xe Phan XeNamnoy hydropower dam breakdowns.