
Fulbright Vietnamese Visiting Scholar Program 2020

The U.S. Mission in Vietnam seeks qualified candidates for the 2020 Fulbright Vietnamese Visiting Scholar Program (VSP).Eligibilities: Fulbright Vietnamese Visiting Scholar applicants must:hold an M.A. or Ph.D. degree,be a Vietnamese citizen, andbe proficient in English.Applicants should be university faculty, government officials, private sector professionals, work at ...

U.S. Embassy

Vietnam International Water Week – VACI 2019: “Water Smarter- Leaving No One Behind”

The Vietnam International Water Week – VACI 2019 with the them “Water Smarter- Leaving No One Behind” will be held in Hanoi on 22-25 March, 2019.Vietnam wAter Cooperation Initiative (VACI) is the global platform to share and co-create innovative water solutions with particular emphasis on Vietnam and tropical water issues. Under ...

Partnership Grants: Call for EOIs

Aus4Innovation is designed to share Australia’s best knowledge and experience in both public and private sectors, in order to support Vietnam in utilising the benefits of new technology to build the future of the economy.Aus4Innovation is an AUD $10 million development assistance program that aims ...


State of Land in the Mekong Region Brief

After a long process of research and consultation involving more than 100 land experts in the region and across the world, CDE and MRLG are thrilled to announce the release of the book: State of Land in the Mekong Region.It highlights key trends that dominate ...


2019 UNESCO Prize for Girls' and Women's Education

The 2019 UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education are open for nominations. The prize is open for all individuals, institutions and organizations making a strong impact on girls’ and women’s education. Prize amount: US$50,000Deadline: 28/5/2019More details ...


How do Women engage in open data movements cross the Mekong countries?

Open Development Vietnam (ODV) wants to understand how women are engaging in open data movements across the Mekong countries. ODV is particularly interested in understanding why and how women participate and what some of the barriers to their participation are. Most importantly ODV wants to ...


Leadership 4.0 in Development and Disaster Resilience

The Asian Institute of Management – Stephen Zuellig Graduate School of Development Management will conduct the Leadership 4.0 in Development and Disaster Resilience masterclass, for the AIM Roadshow in Vietnam where leadership masterclasses on business, development, innovation, and data science will be presented. The program will ...

ViEF - Vietnam Economic Forum

ViEF – Vietnam Economic Forum is a national and international economic forum which aims to discuss key issues and strategy regarding Vietnam’s macroeconomy. At the same time, the forum maintains constructive dialogues on public and private policies between the private sector, the government and stakeholders. The forum ...


Call for applications for visitors programme to Germany in 2019

The Germany Embassy in Hanoi as well as the German General Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City would like to call for applications for the following theme trip to Germany in 2019:Title: 56th Theatertreffen Berlin 2019Time frame: 6-12 MayDestinations: BerlinTarget group: Theatre critics, festival curators, ...

Deutsche Vertretungen VN

Scholarship Program for Master in Development Management at Asian Institute of Mamagement

The Asian Development Bank–Japan Scholarship Program and the Asian Institute of Management aim to achieve a prosperous, sustainable, inclusive, and resilient Asia.Through the Master in Development Management (MDM) 12-month, full time program, students are equipped to be Leaders for Development and Sustainability – capable to ...

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