
EIDHR Calls for Proposals: Enhancing CSOs' Contribution to Governance and Development Process in Vietnam

The European Union (EU) is currently accepting proposals from eligible organisations for a program entitled “Enhancing CSOs’ Contribution to Governance and Development Process in Vietnam” to enable and enhance Civil Society Organizations’ engagement as an efficient actor of governance and development process in Vietnam.More information ...

Employee benefits and Tet bonus in 2019

VietnamWorks, the biggest online job site in Vietnam under Navigos Group, releases latest report titled “Employee Benefits and New-year Bonuses in Vietnam (2019)”. Nearly 500 HR professionals and 3,400 jobseekers participated in our survey for the purpose of this report. Keep reading ...

BridgeFest 2019

BridgeFest 2019 – the fourth “Bridging the Gap” music festival will be held at Dien Kinh Sports Stadium in Hanoi on January 13.With the message “Bridging the Gap”, BridgeFest 2019 aims to break down barriers in Vietnam, such as gender, income, physical ability, geography, culture, and ...


Multidimensional poverty in Vietnam: Reducing poverty in all its dimensions to ensure a good life for all

This Report is a joint research product of the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA), Viet Nam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS), General Statistics Office (GSO), Mekong Development Research Institute (MDRI) and the United Nations Development Programme in Viet Nam (UNDP Viet Nam). ...

Workshop for journalists: Strengthen policy analysis skills

“Workshop for journalists: Strengthen policy analysis skills” is organized by Institute for Policy Studies and Media Development (IPS), within the scope of project “Strengthen media and journalism network in policy making community to foster policy debate in Vietnam”.The workshop is divided into 4 sessions in ...

The 3rd Annual Civil Seminar: The role of the government, social organizations, and related parties in providing and monitoring public services.

Public services such as health and education play an important role in a country’s development, contributing to social equity when all people gets access to basic public services. This is not only the primary task of the government but also the collective effort of social ...

Call for Application: Enterprising for Development Program to create impacts on agriculture value chain (EFD 2)

EFD 2 is the second phase of Enterprising for Development Program (EFD). Its first phase was successfully launched from 2015 to 2018.  To further develop the program, Centre for Social Initiatives Promotion (CSIP), with technical and financial support from Oxfam, continues to implement the second phase of ...

Serial Offender: Vietnam’s continued imports of illegal Cambodian timber

This report was written and edited by the Environmental Investigation Agency UK Ltd. This document has been produced with the financial assistance of UKaid and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of EIA.Full report ...


Sustainable Energy Future in Vietnam

Mr Ousmane Dione, Country Director, Vietnam, World Bank2nd High Level Meeting of the Vietnam Energy Partnership Group on the sustainable energy future for VietnamFull statement ...

The World Bank

World AIDS day message 2018

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the first World AIDS Day. Thirty years of activism and solidarity under the banner of World AIDS Day. Thirty years of campaigning for universal access to life-saving services to treat and prevent HIV. But after 30 years, AIDS ...


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