Report: Assessment on Employability Skills Gaps and Good Practices by Businesses to Upskill Marginalized and Vulnerable Young People

Concerned with expanding education and building skills for future employment, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), UNICEF and the Mekong Development Research Institute (MDRI) have released a report entitled “Assessment on Employability Skills Gaps and Good Practices by Businesses to Upskill Marginalized and Vulnerable Young People”.
This report belongs to the collaboration project between UNICEF Viet Nam and VCCI on promoting Children’s Rights and Business Principles (CRBP) among Enterprises in Viet Nam, with an aim to create an enabling environment for businesses and strengthen business knowledge, capacity, and commitment to respect and support the rights of children in Vietnam.
The research explores current and future projected skills for employability for young people among three industries: apparel and footwear, travel and tourism, and information-communication technologies (ICT). In total, over four in five surveyed firms value creativity, teamwork and active listening in their future young employees.
Please download the report at: