Summary Report: Covid-19 socio-economic impact on vulnerable households and enterprises in Viet Nam: a gender-sensitive assessment

With the aim of helping to inform the Government of Viet Nam’s response and recovery to COVID-19, UNDP and UN Women in Viet Nam commissioned a report “COVID-19 Impact on Vulnerable Households and Enterprises in Viet Nam: A Gender-sensitive Assessment” (RIM-2020). The report is evidence-based and captures the voices of vulnerable population groups and businesses.
A telephone survey, with the purposive sampling of 930 vulnerable households and 935 vulnerable household businesses (HBs), micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in 58 (out of 63) provinces across Viet Nam, including sex-disaggregated data, was conducted over the course of April and May 2020
the survey brings to the fore: (i) evidence of COVID-19 impact on vulnerable households and businesses, (ii) their coping strategies, and (iii) provides voices of those impacted on the Government support policies.
-Click here to view the summary report (available in Vietnamese in English)-
UNDP Vietnam