The 3rd Annual Civil Seminar: The role of the government, social organizations, and related parties in providing and monitoring public services.

Public services such as health and education play an important role in a country’s development, contributing to social equity when all people gets access to basic public services. This is not only the primary task of the government but also the collective effort of social organizations, communities, and citizens who could involve in effective policy making process by providing ideas and suggestion. It is urgent and essential to have such collaboration given the fact that stage budget is allocated in multiple development priorities and the emerging involvement of private entities in providing health and education services.
Based on international experiences and the context of Vietnam, the Seminar will focus on discussion about the role of the government, social organizations and other related parties such as communities, enterprises in providing and monitoring public services. After discussion, the Seminar will come up with practical implications and suggestions to ensure all people, especially the poor, could get access to qualified public services.
Time: 19 and 20 of December 2018
Venue: Hanoi Club Hotel, 76 Yen Phu Street, Hanoi.