ODI awards Can Tho University – Vietnam for contributing datasets on Mekong environment

As part of the Mekong Environment Forum and Can Tho University workshop on Building Community Capacity, the East-West Management Institute Open Development Initiative (ODI) supported a call for data submission to engage young and innovative Vietnamese citizen scientists to develop, implement and produce data driven research that can help to inform policy from the bottom up.
The award aims to be an incentive for individuals and organizations to continuously make nonprofit data contributions for Mekong community via opendevelopmentmekong.net (ODM).
The award was given to 5 datasets below:
1st Prize: $500
Title: Environmental Changes and Migration under the Forces of Climate Change in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta
Authors: Danh Den and Duong Thi Chuc Huyen (Can Tho University)
2nd Prize: $200
Authors: Nguyen Duc Tin (leader) , Cao Duy Luan, Bui Thi Anh Thu, Niels Versluis
Donor’s Prize (ODI prize): $200
Group of datasets on Mekong Delta environment and sustainable development
Le Anh Tuan – Assoc. Prof. Dr. in Earth Sciences
Deputy Director, Research Institute for Climate Change (DRAGON institute – Mekong)
3rd Prize: $100
Authors: Trinh Chi Tham, Le Van Nhuong, Le Van Hieu, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Phuc, Nguyen Cao Cuong, Trang Duc Tuan
3rd Prize: $100
Authors: Hong Minh Hoang, Nguyen Thanh Quan, Nguyen Van Tai, Ngo Thi Anh Thu, Tran Ngoc Bich
By accepting this award, awardees agree to license the datasets they are sharing under a non-exclusive Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license ( For information on Creative Commons and this license, please visit http://creativecommons.org/ and http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Grantees). They also represent that the Work Product was original to theirs or derived from materials to which they have obtained all required permissions, releases, rights or licenses, and that the sharing of the Work Product on the OD platforms does not or will not violate or infringe any third party’s copyright, trademark, right of privacy or publicity or other personal or proprietary right, nor does it contain any matter that is libelous or obscene.